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2018年云南省事业单位考试—说课稿 牛津版 英语 八年级 下册

2018-07-04 20:08      文章来源:云南华图教育

  Unit 5 Good Manners


  Good morning, dear judges! I'm very glad to be here to present my class today. I'm number X candidate applying for the English teacher of the Zhengheng School. And my topic today is Unit 5 good manners. In order to make my presentation much clearer, I'm going to divide it into 6 sections, that is, the analysis of teaching materials, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.

  First of all, I will give a brief analysis of teaching material. The topic of this unit is “good manners”, which is the unit 5 of Book B of Grade 8, published by the Yilin Press. Students can learn to talk about good manners and bad manners and learn to behave properly in public places. The topic of this unit is closely related to our daily life and many students know some manners but not very clear. In view of this, this lesson-the first period of Unit 5 is very important for eliciting the manners in other countries.

  Given the analysis of teaching materials and students, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

  (1)Knowledge objectives: students can grasp the six new phrases: Drop litter everywhere, leave the tap running, keep quiet in the library, pick flowers in the park, obey traffic rules, and queue for your turn. And the sentence pattern: we should, we shouldn’t.

  (2) Ability objectives:

  With the development of the language study, training speaking ability seems to be more and more important. The ability aim of today’s lesson is to train the ability of talking about the good manners. In addition, developing ss’ability of communication with other people in English is a higher objective.

  Students can use the new phrases and the sentence pattern to make a conversation and thus their listening and speaking skills will be improved.

  (3) Emotional objectives.

  Given that lots of Chinese Ss are shy to speak English, one emotional aims of this topic is to encourage ss to be brave to speak English by giving them more opportunities to speak English and other objective is students’ awareness to develop good manners in public places will be enhanced.

  Based on the objectives, I make the teaching key points and difficult points as follows:

  Teaching key points include the some phrases, such as Drop litter everywhere, leave the tap running, keep quiet in the library, pick flowers in the park, obey traffic rules, and queue for your turn. And the sentence pattern: we should, we shouldn’t.

  While the teaching difficult points are to put these new phrases and sentence pattern into actual use.

  After the analysis of teaching material, now let me analyze the students. Students in grade 8 are around age of 14 or 15, with the increase of their age, Ss’ cognitive capacity has been improved significantly. The abstract thinking ability of students is developing quite obviously, compared with grade 7. They can control themselves much better and can be more focus on language study. They have contain some basic knowledge of this topic-“good manners”, for example, they know that drop litters everywhere is not correct…to use the verb should .Whereas ss’ability of communicating in English is still need to be improved. Ss can learn more words and sentences to improve their language ability through self-study and cooperative study. Meanwhile, the culture knowledge-the difference between manners in China and in UK can be taught through this topic.

  Based on the analysis of the teaching material and students, I will chose situational, audio and lingual and task based teaching method for this lesson.

  According to teaching objectives and students’ characteristics, in this class, I will mainly employ task-based teaching method and situational teaching method, and students will work in pairs and in groups to grasp the new phrases and the sentence pattern.

  According to the above analysis, teaching procedures –the most important part is designed as follows:

  Step 1: leading-in:

  For this step, first, I will play a video about the yellow dog and the blue dog and then I will ask students to tell whether it is right for the yellow dog to rob the cake.

  The purpose of this step is to elicit the topic of manners.

  Step 2: Presentation

  In this step, I will present the pictures on the book one by one to introduce the new phrases and sentence structure.

  Thus, students will have their first impression of the new phrases and new sentence pattern, which is the necessary input of this lesson.

  Step 3: Practice

  For this step, I have 2 activities. Activity 1: Ask students to listen to the conversation between Amy and Shirley. Activity 2: Ask students to work in pairs to role-play the conversation. In this way, the new words and sentence patterns will be fully practiced by games and making dialogue, which make the class interesting

  Step 4: Consolidation

  In this step, I designed 2 tasks.

  Task 1: Present pictures of different public places and ask students to work in pairs make conversation by using what they have learnt in the class.

  Task2:Ask students to work in groups and to discuss how to perform good in public places and then ask representatives of groups to give a report.

  The task-based language teaching method adopted in this step will help to develop students’ English communication skills.

  Step 5: Summary

  For the summary of this lesson, firstly, students summarize what they have learnt in this class. Secondly, teacher makes supplement. Thirdly, ask students to set strict demands on themselves to perform well in the public places.

  Thus, students can summarize what the learnt and teacher can check the effect of the class and make plans for the next class. And students can live a happier life.

  Step 6: Homework

  For the final part of this lesson, I will ask students to write an initial written proposal to ask students to adopt good manners in public places. Share it in the next class.

  By doing the homework, students can strength what they have learnt after class. Thus their writing skill will be improved.

  After finishing the part of teaching procedure, I will come to the last section: design of the blackboard. As you can see, I have mainly used the table to activate the language points so that students will grasp them better and use them in the actual life.

  Unit 5 Good manners

  drop litter everywhere

  leave the tap running

  We should keep quiet in the library

  We shouldn’t pick flowers in the park

  obey traffic rules

  queue for a turn

  The above is my lesson presentation, your comment is appreciated.


上一篇:2018年云南省事业单位考试—试讲稿 牛津版 英语 八年级 下册 下一篇: 2018年云南省事业单位考试—七年级音乐 《樱花》 教案