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2018年云南省事业单位考试—教案 人教版 英语 八年级上

2018-07-04 20:11      文章来源:云南华图教育


  Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation

  Section B 2a-3c


  1.Topic: Where did you go on vacation

  2.Period: 5thperiod

  3.Teaching objectives:

  Knowledge & Skill objective

  Students will read to get the main idea, some specific information of the diaries and the meaning of some new words, phrases and difficult sentences.

  Process & method objective

  Students’ reading skills, such as generalizing, information-gathering, predicting, guessing the meaning of new words in the context can be greatly improved through repeated reading of the diaries.

  Emotional, attitude & values objective

  The teacher will remind the students to make full preparation when they plan to go out to take a vacation, otherwise it is possible to encounter some difficulties.

  4.Teaching Key points and Difficulty Points:

  Teaching important points: get the main idea and some specific information of the diaries written by Jane. And students should be motivated to read the passage for times to improve their reading skills.

  Teaching difficult points: how to concluding the main idea in a title, reading skills is difficult to improve in a short period of time.

  5.Teaching procedures

  Step 1: Warming up/Leading in

  1) Play a video about different places of Malaysia for the students to enjoy.

  2) Present the map of Malaysia to familiarize a beautiful island of Penang and ask students to talk about something about Penang.

  Target: to elicit the topic of traveling and the place—Penang, an island of Malaysia. .

  Step 2: Pre-reading

  1) Introduce Jane who have taken vacation in Penang and she has written two dairies about her vacation there.

  2) Ask students to look at the two pictures on the textbook and make some prediction about her vacation in Penang. Then ask some representatives to voice their opinions.

  Target: Students’ interest will be aroused to read the dairy written by Jane. And they cannot wait to find what Jane has written about her vacation in Penang.

  Step 3: While-reading

  Activity 1: Read the two diaries for the first time to check their guessing about Jane’s vacation.

  Activity 2: Ask students to read the passage carefully for the second time to answer the following questions: Did Jane do other things on Monday and Tuesday? Did she like it, and why or why not?

  Activity 3: Read the diaries for the third time to guess the meaning of some new words and phrases, or some difficult sentences.

  Target: students will be led to read the diaries for several times. Through times’ reading, students’ reading skills will be greatly improved, such as predicting, finding specific information, guessing the meaning of some new words.

  Step 4: Post-reading

  Task: group work; students will be required to share one of their vacation. When sharing their vacation to their group members, they should talk around the following questions: where did you went? What did you do? What did you eat? Whether you liked it or not? And why? After sharing, they will work together to make a report and share it with their class.

  Target: The adopting task-based language teaching method will not only help to develop students’ English communication skills and their teamwork spirit to complete a task together will be enhanced.

  Step 5: Summary

  Firstly, students summarize what they have learnt in this class.

  Secondly, teacher makes supplement

  Thirdly, tell students that it is necessary to make full preparation when they decided to go out, and otherwise, they will have some unexpected difficulties.

  Target: students can summarize what the learnt and teacher can check the effect of the class and make plans for the next class.

  Step 6: Homework

  Ask students to answer the question in 3b to make notes about a vacation they took, then use the notes to write a travel diary like Jane’s. Share it in the next class.

  Target: students can strength what they have learnt after class. Thus their writing skill will be improved.

  6.Blackboard Design

  Jane’s vacation in Penang

  Things Jane did or saw Did she like it?(Yes/No) Why or why not?

  Tried paragliding Yes It was exciting.

  Had Malaysia yellow noodles Yes It was delicious.

  Walked around Georgetown Yes old buildings, good memory

  Went to Penang Hill No the weather is terrible

  Had one bowl of rice and some fish Yes they were so hungry.



上一篇:2018年云南省事业单位考试—七年级音乐 《樱花》 教案 下一篇: 2018年云南省事业单位考试—七年级音乐 《樱花》 说课稿